We will print your custom images; simply decide what size of gang sheet you think you need and upload your images to our gang sheet builder and size them for your needs. Get as many images on your sheet as you can.
All images must be transparent should be 300 dpi. The gang sheet builder has the capability of making your image transparent as well as helping let you know if your image isn't going to print well. You are not required to use images that are 300 DPI but your quality will be much better, and we are not responsible if the print does not have high quality. You MUST make all images transparent, if they are not, they will be printed as is.
Please make sure that you are submitting your artwork, you are certifying you are the designer of this artwork or have the legal right to produce a print artwork by a third party. If is your responsibility to ensure you are authorizing the printing of this artwork with the design terms and conditions.
Turnaround time on prints is 1-2 days.
Prints are printed in CMYK colors and if yours has RGB colors then the printer will print in the next closest color.
1) Preheat Press to 330 degrees.
2) Pre-press the garment for 10-15 seconds to remove moisture.
3) Using HIGH, even pressure, press once for 10-15 seconds.
* If you are accustomed to DTF transfers and know that your heat is even and pressure is high, you may choose the HOT peel method.
***IF the transfer has fine lines, or was pressed without even pressure, you will want to wait for the garment to cool before peeling.
4) Slowly peel the transfer away from the garment - if it appears the image is not peeling properly, please STOP and repress using the COLD PEEL method.
5) Once transfer has been peeled, cover the image with butcher or parchment paper
6) Press again for 10 seconds.
**Should you notice any wrinkles in the film, this is normal, just press as instructed.
Custom Gang Sheet Builder